Japanese New Year’s Eve omisoka.

In Japanese, New Year’s Eve is called “Omisoka.”

A traditional way of spending New Year’s Eve in Japan is for family to gather together and wait all night for Toshigami-sama, or literally “a god,” to visit their home.

Toshigami-sama is a Shinto god who is thought to visit house after house at New Year to bring happiness to people. He is also said to be a god of agriculture, who brings a good harvest, and the spirits of ancestors who protect people from disasters and other bad things.

At Omisoka Night, we will eat Toshikoshi-soba.

Toshikoshi means “entering the new year.” Soba are buckwheat noodles.

Toshikoshi-shoba has a meaning of praying to god for brining luck and longer life.


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